A Monk's Guide to Finding Joy


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by His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Khangser Rinpoche is a knowledgeable monk who has studied at one of the great Tibetan monastic centers of learning re-established in South India, Sera Jey Monastery. He graduated with distinction as a geshe lharampa and went on to train at Gyuto Tantric College, where he now holds a position of eminence.

In addition to his learning as a scholar of the ancient Indian Nalanda tradition preserved in Tibetan monasteries, Khangser Rinpoche is also at home in the modern world. He has followers in many different countries and speaks fluent English.

ln this book, A Monk’s Guide to Finding Joy, Rinpoche shares what he has learned in practical terms. He’s not thinking in terms of past and future lives, but of how we can find joy in this very life. If we could remember that humanity is one, and if we were able to live in harmony and help one another, how good that would be.

As human beings, one of the most important things we have in common is a wish simply to be happy—none of us want to be miserable. The key to fulfilling this wish lies in training the mind. Not only can we tame our unruly emotions, but we can also learn to think in a more positive and healthy way. By achieving peace of mind and cultivating a warm heart, we can develop courage and inner strength so that when we are faced with difficulties, we can easily cope with them.


Rinpoche has illustrated his book with stories from many different sources that make what he has to say not only easy to understand, but also a pleasure to read. I am confident readers will take delight in this book and invite them to share the joy they find in it with others.


January 28, 2024

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