Suki Sheth
Suki Sheth, PhD, received her doctorate from Columbia University in 1999. While pursuing her studies, she worked as a teaching assistant with undergraduate and graduate school students. Since returning to her home in Mumbai, India, Suki has tutored teenagers in physics and math. In her spare time, she takes adult education classes in philosophy and hikes in the Himalayas, exploring the mountains of India, Nepal, and Tibet.
Books, Courses & Podcasts
Mindful Teaching and Teaching Mindfulness
Author Deborah Schoeberlein pioneers the practical application of mindfulness in education. By showing teachers how to tune into what’s happening, inside and around them, she offers fresh, straightforward approaches to training attention and generating caring both in and outside of the classroom. Mindful Teaching and Teaching Mindfulness emphasizes how the teacher’s personal familiarity with mindfulness plants the seed for an education infused with attention, awareness, kindness, empathy, compassion, and gratitude. The book follows a teacher from morning to night on a typical school day, at home, during the commute, and before, during, and after class. This book is perfect for teachers of all kinds: schoolteachers, religious educators, coaches, parents-anyone who teaches anything.