- Do Not Try to Become a Buddha
- Cover Page
- Title Page
- Contents
- Foreword
- Preface
- Part One. Searching
- Seeking Peace
- Why We Search
- Identity and Intoxication
- Stopping
- Capturing Fireflies
- A Healing Practice
- Returning Home to the Body
- The Sacred Scripture of the World
- An Ocean of Joy
- Taking Control of Your Life
- The Whole Mountain
- Rituals around Practice
- Fear of Losing Oneself
- A House of Many Rooms
- An Ordinary Awakening
- Parental Mind
- Macho Zen, Lazy Zen
- Knowing Contentment
- A Peaceful and Effortless Gate
- Part Two. Living
- For Self and Others
- Overcome by What Needs to Be Done
- Holding Opinions Lightly
- “Emptiness”: What Goes Around Comes Around
- A Perfect Offering
- Hope in the Present Moment
- Right Livelihood
- The Miraculous Is Ordinary, the Ordinary Miraculous
- A Coherent Practice
- A Rational Religion
- Fighting Spirits
- Desire of Love, Desire of Greed
- Knowing beyond Our Boundaries
- Becoming a Student
- Honoring the Menial
- Just Enough
- Part Three. Celebrating
- A Buddhist Year
- Bodhi Day
- Welcoming the New Year
- The Buddha’s Passing
- Buddha’s Birth
- Spring Does Not Become Summer
- Midway along the Journey of Our Life
- Summer Sesshin
- Clouds and Water
- Honoring Lugh
- Feeding the Hungry Ghosts
- The Meaning of Bowing
- To Give of Oneself
- Wearing Robes
- Birth, Marriage, and Death
- Meaning in Movement
- Part Four. Zen Here and Now
- How I Came to the Dharma
- Zen Buddhism Ireland
- Living and Dying as a Buddhist in Ireland
- Interfaith Ireland
- Religion and National Identity
- The Invention of Tradition
- The Bloodline of Irish Zen
- A New Expression of Zen
- Catholic Zen
- Secular Meditation
- A Coherent Path
- Right Where You Are
- Notes
- Recommended Reading
- Index
- About the Author
- Copyright
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Do Not Try to Become a Buddha
Practicing Zen Right Where You Are