- Meditation for Modern Madness
- Cover Page
- Title Page
- Contents
- Foreword by H. H. Dodrupchen Rinpoche
- Foreword by H. E. Alak Zenkar Rinpoche
- Editors’ Preface
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction
- Part 1: Why Meditate?
- 1. Our Great Potential
- 2. Mind
- 3. Two Truths
- 4. The Dzogchen View
- 5. Stages of the View
- 6. Beyond Time
- 7. Direct Experience
- Part 2: Methods
- 8. Mindfulness
- 9. Shamatha
- 10. No Past or Future
- 11. Vipashyana
- 12. Let Come, Let Go
- 13. The Incredible Gap
- 14. Resting the Mind
- 15. Blessings of the Lineage
- Part 3: Modern Madness
- 16. Integration
- 17. Dealing with Stress
- 18. Follow Your Heart
- 19. Acceptance
- 20. Finding Balance
- 21. Breaking Habits
- 22. Relationships
- 23. Magical Display
- 24. Daily Meditation
- 25. Conclusion
- Glossary
- Index
- About the Author
- Copyright
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