- Tradition of Everlasting Bön
- Cover Page
- Title Page
- Table of Contents
- General Editor’s Preface
- Translator’s Introduction
- Technical Note
- Part 1. The Magical Key To The Precious Gradual Path And Grounds Of The Greater Vehicle
- 1. Teachings Introducing the Preliminary Practices from the Corpus on the Basis of the Mode of Being
- 2. Concerning the Preliminary Practices That Are the Causes for the Generation of the Path
- 3. Determining the Nature of the Common Path
- 4. Teachings on the Worldly Path of Accumulation
- 5. Teachings on the Worldly Path of Application
- 6. Teachings on the Path of Vision
- 7. Teachings on the Path of Meditation
- 8. Settling on the Results of the Teachings
- 9. Conclusion: The Teachings on Entering What Follows Finality
- Part 2. The Lore Of The Root Tantra, The Precious Universal Gathering
- Part 3. Net Of Sunrays: A Commentary On The Root Tantra The Precious Universal Gathering
- 1. Initial Demonstration of Praise
- 2. The Accumulation of the Three Benefits
- 3. Teachings on the Significance of the Secret Mantras
- 4. Brief Teachings on the Base, the Path, and the Result
- 5. On the Four Kinds of Activities and the Six Families of the Vehicle of the Secret Mantras
- 6. On Pledges
- 7. On Empowerment
- 8. Formulas for Concentration
- 9. Activities
- 10. The View
- 11. Practice
- 12. On the Path and the Knowledge-Holders
- 13. Teachings on the Result
- 14. Tantra, Oral Scriptural Transmission, and Instructions
- 15. Analogy, Meaning, and Analysis
- 16. On the Stages of Generation, Perfection, and the Great Perfection
- 17. Approach, Accomplishment, and Activities
- 18. The Condensed Root of the Meaning of the Scripture
- Part 4. The Magic Key That Disentangles The Secret Meaning
- Part 5. The Practice Manual Of The Revelatory Tradition Of The Great Perfection From Zhangzhung
- 1. Preliminary Practices of the Great Perfection from the Revelatory Tradition from Zhangzhung: Devotional Prayers
- 2. Prayers to Lord Tapihritsa, Emanation from the Heart of Kuntu Zangpo
- 3. The Stages of the Preliminary Practices of the Revelatory Transmission
- 4. The Main Practices on Dark Retreat, Advice on the Profound Points
- 5. Instructions on the View for Seeing in Its Nakedness, the Direct Introduction to the Nature of the Base
- 6. Instructions on the Meditation on Clear Light, the Practice of the Path
- 7. Instructions on Conduct to Purify Dynamism That Comes Up as Conditions on the Path
- 8. Instructions on Decisively Elucidating the Three Bodies by Seizing the Natural Ground, the Result
- 9. Notes on the Removal of Obstructions and the Perception of the Clear Light
- 10. The Cycle of the Seven Clear Lights from the Single Transmission of the Cycle of the Revelatory Transmission of the Great Perfection from Zhangzhung
- 11. Clear Light, Yogic Exercises, and Channels and Winds of the Revelatory Transmission from Zhangzhung
- 12. The Oral Advice of the Knowledge-Holder Lishu
- Table of Tibetan Transliteration
- Notes
- Glossary
- Bibliography
- Index
- About the Translator
- Copyright
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Tradition of Everlasting Bön
Five Key Texts on Scripture, Tantra, and the Great Perfection