In-Depth Member Content



Pristine Awareness Realizing Reality: The Dharma of Well-Being, Part 2 with Lama Alan Wallace
Register for a Wisdom Dharma Chat with Geshe YongDong on October 30
• Listen to H. E. Khangser Rinpoche’s Wisdom Podcast episode, A Monk’s Guide to Finding Joy
 Watch a recording of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s Wisdom Dharma Chat on dream yoga
Coming Soon: Read Blazing Splendor by Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche 
Coming Soon: Read Meditations for Modern Madness by Dzogchen Rinpoche



Shamatha: Meditation for Balanced Living with Lama Alan Wallace
Abiding in Emptiness an online course with Bhikkhu Anālayo and Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
 Thupten Jinpa’s Wisdom Podcast episode Mind Training
Illuminating the Intent by Tsongkhapa, translated by Thupten Jinpa
The Four Noble Truths by Lama Zopa Rinpoche



To see the full Wisdom Experience Course Catalog, click here.

Illuminating the Mind an online course with His Holiness the Dalai Lama and guests
• Beyond Distraction an online course with Shaila Catherine
Tsongkhapa’s Madhyamaka an online course with Thupten Jinpa
Sutra and Tantra: The Profound and Miraculous an online course with Robert Thurman
Introduction to Dzogchen an online course with Lama Alan Wallace




To see all the books available in the Reading Room, click here, and don’t forget as an In-Depth member you get 20% off all book purchases through our website.

• Mahāmudrā by His Eminence Gharwang Rinpoche
• The Awakening Mind 
by Geshe Tashi Tsering and Gordon McDougall
• The Zen of R2-D2 by Matthew Bortolin
• The Tradition of Everlasting Bön translated by J. F. Marc des Jardins
• Start Here, Start Now by Bhante Gunaratana



To see other video content available, click here.

Yangsi: Reincarnation is Just the Beginning a film with Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
All our Movies
Thupten Jinpa’s masterclass, The Art of Translating Tibetan
The Brilliance of Dzogchen, a Lecture Series with Malcolm Smith
All our Wisdom Lecture Series
A Guided Meditation with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Empty and Aware, a one day retreat with Guy and Sally Armstrong


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