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In this introductory lesson Jampa Ludrup shares with us important concepts as we begin our exploration into this ancient art, including how we can understand the relationship between feng shui and karma.
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1. Watch
Watch 1.
Ven. Jampa Ludrup introduces us to feng shui—”wind and water”—and some important concepts for the course ahead.
Video 1
2. Read
Read 1.
In this selection from How to Be Happy, Lama Zopa Rinpoche gives us a clear understanding of how karma works.
3. Practice
Practice 1.
As we learned in this lesson, chi has two forms called yin and yang. For the next few days, pay attention to where you see this energy around you. What yin and yang energies do you see in your home, your neighborhood, or your work? Make a mental note or start jotting down what you see in a notebook.
4. Quiz
5. Discuss