The Meditator’s Atlas

image description

“Authentic, pragmatic, and remarkably clear.”—Joseph Goldstein


A Roadmap of the Inner World

Matthew Flickstein

Meditation can seem a mystery. Where do you begin? Where will you end up? What might you find along the way?

You’ll find the answers in The Meditator’s Atlas, a comprehensive and trustworthy “roadmap of the inner world” for anyone who meditates. Respected teacher Matthew Flickstein is your friendly guide, explaining what meditation is, how to do it, and how to make the skills and benefits that it engenders your own, including:

  • finding work that supports your priorities
  • overcoming doubt
  • cultivating helpful attitudes
  • incorporating mindfulness into every aspect of your life
  • and how all of this adds up to a happier life.

What makes this book unique is the way Flickstein uses two classic Buddhist texts—the Path of Purification, and the Four Foundations of Mindfulness—to help readers make clear sense out of the new, fascinating, and sometimes even frightening states that one may encounter on the long journey to enlightenment. Readers will come away from this book with their own insights clarified and with a helpful sense of what lies ahead.

book information
  • Paperback
  • 208 pages, 6.00 x 9.00 inches
  • $15.95
  • ISBN 9780861713370
  • ebook
  • 208 pages
  • $11.99
  • ISBN 9780861719679
about the author
The Meditator’s Atlas

Matthew Flickstein is a psychotherapist, meditation teacher, and the founder of The Forest Way Insight Meditation Center in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. In more than twenty years of leading personal development workshops, he has trained almost 15,000 people across the US, including other teachers.

Other books by Matthew Flickstein:
The Meditator’s Workbook

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