
  • Watch Lesson 5a

    In this lesson, Alan Wallace explores meditation more in depth, going into topics such as awareness, movement, and stillness, and covering some of the challenges meditators may face. You can follow along with the text he comments from in the excerpt below, on page 146 of the PDF of the root text found in lesson 1, or in your copy of Heart of the Great Perfection: Dudjom Lingpa’s Visions of the Great Perfection, Vol. 1.

    That which observes is called mindfulness, or awareness, that which is observed is called movement, and resting in that state is called stillness. Identify them as such and meditate! If you meditate earnestly, stable meditative experiences of the bliss, luminosity, and nonconceptuality of śamatha will arise in your mindstream. Consequently, when stillness, movement, and awareness merge into one and all discursive thoughts are self-knowing and self-illuminating, meditate by identifying this as awareness. And when thoughts automatically scatter in all directions, meditate by identifying this as the mind of unawareness. By doing so, in accordance with the degree of sharpness of your faculties, various meditative experiences such as bliss, luminosity, vacuity, stillness, and harshness will certainly occur. Just as it has always been in the moon’s nature to wax and wane, so it is in the mind’s nature to be periodically happy and sad. So without hope or fear, rejection or acceptance, negation or affirmation, do not lose your own grounding in that very luminosity and cognizance. [472] This is a crucial point. Meditative experiences and appearances disappear by themselves, fading away, unable to sustain themselves, like illusions and dreams, so recognize this. If you cherish, refute or affirm, hope or fear, or become attached to or fixate on experiences such as bliss, luminosity, vacuity, harshness, dreams, or subtle extrasensory perception, this will lead you toward errors and obscurations, so recognize this. (more…)

  • Watch Lesson 4b

    Alan Wallace continues his commentary on how shamatha practice alone is not enough. Follow along on page 146 in your copy of the text or in the excerpt below.

    Then investigate the mind as the agent that conjures up all kinds of thoughts, seeking out its shape, color, and form, as well as its source, beginning, and end, and whether it really exists or is totally nonexistent. By doing so, once you have determined with confidence that it cannot be established in any way at all, you have entered the path. [471]

    If you forcefully suppress the thought process while focusing your mind single-pointedly on such things as a stick or pebble, then many obsessive thoughts will arise, as if you had blocked an irrigation canal, and your body, speech, and mind may become sharply uncomfortable. In that case, loosely relax and watch your thoughts from afar, clearly observing whatever arises.

  • Watch Lesson 3a

    Alan Wallace takes us through Düdjom Lingpa’s teachings on the guru, viras and dakinis, and all beings. You can follow along in the excerpt from the text below, or on page 143 of the PDF of the root text (found in lesson 1) or your copy of Heart of the Great Perfection, Vol 1.

    Having established those teachings as your foundation, with constant devotion offer prayers of supplication to your guru. Outwardly, imagine your guru on the crown of your head. Inwardly, visualize your own body as the guru. Secretly, again and again transfer your own vital energies, mind, and consciousness, and nondually merge them with the non conceptual primordial consciousness of your guru’s mind. This is the first point.

    With devotion and affection, visualize your companions as being of the nature of vīras and ḍākinīs, and see the fine qualities of your guru and Dharma siblings rather than looking at their faults. This is the second point. (more…)

  • Watch Lesson 4a

    Alan Wallace continues his commentary on The Foolish Dharma of an Idiot Clothed in Mud and Feathers, reflecting on the value and limitations of shamatha meditation practice. You can follow along with the text starting on page 144 in the PDF of the root text available in lesson 1, or in your copy of Heart of the Great Perfection, Volume 1 of Dudjom Lingpa’s Visions of the Great Perfection. An excerpt is below.

    When I thought of going to a big marketplace dressed up in impressive, striking clothes, but found no such attire, [468] in the end I smeared my body with mud and stuck various twigs, grass, flowers, and feathers on it. Now I will explain the foolish meditations of one who wears mud and feathers for clothing, regarding them as if they were the finest garments and ornaments. So listen! Observe! And laugh at this! (more…)

  • Watch Lesson 2b

    Alan Wallace reflects on shamatha meditation practice and then returns to commenting on the text’s teachings on the mind reversals.

    You can follow along on page 143 of your copy of Heart of the Great Perfection, the PDF of the root text found in lesson 1, or in the excerpt below.


    Individuals endowed with karma and good fortune have obtained a life of leisure and opportunity due to the assembly and timely ripening of a causal nexus of fortuitous connections of karma and prayers. (more…)

  • Watch Lesson 2a

    Alan Wallace teaches from the text on the meaning of refuge and the mind reversals that turn us toward the Dharma.

    Follow along on page 142 of your copy of Heart of the Great Perfection (Dudjom Lingpa’s Visions of the Great Perfection, Vol. 1), in the PDF of the root text found in lesson 1, or in the excerpt below.

    On this occasion when you have such a bounty of opportunities in terms of your body, environment, friends, spiritual mentors, time, and practical instructions, without procrastinating until tomorrow and the next day, arouse a sense of urgency, as if a spark landed on your body or a grain of sand fell in your eye. If you have not swiftly applied yourself to practice, examine the births and deaths of other beings and reflect again and again on the unpredictability of your lifespan and the time of your death, and on the uncertainty of your own situation. Meditate on this until you have definitively integrated it with your mind. This is the second point. (more…)

  • Explanation of Breathing Meditation

    Alan Wallace provides further context and instruction on meditation.

  • Watch Lesson 1a

    Alan Wallace introduces us to the great teacher Düdjom Lingpa.

  • Lesson 4: Shamatha Alone Isn’t Enough

    In this lesson, Lama Alan Wallace turns to the benefits and limitations of practicing shamatha meditation alone.

  • Lesson 2: Refuge, Mind Reversals, and Shamatha Practice

    In this lesson, Lama Alan Wallace gives us the foundational teachings in refuge and how to turn our minds toward the Dharma. We also begin to engage more deeply in shamatha meditation practice.