Josh Korda: Honoring Transparency and Disclosure
In this episode of the Wisdom Podcast we hear from Josh Korda, Dharma teacher in the Against the Stream lineage, guiding teacher of Dharmapunx NYC, and author of Unsubscribe: Opt out of Delusion, Tune into Truth, recently published by Wisdom. You’ll hear Josh share his navigation through the difficult emotional realities of his youth, and how battling substance abuse deepened his insights as a practitioner in the Theravada Buddhist tradition. Josh explains how the trauma of witnessing 9/11 on the streets of New York catapulted him into a re-evaluation of his priorities, ultimately paving a way for a life in teaching. As a teacher, Josh shares his reverence for transparency and disclosure, a philosophy shaped by the irreverent punk culture of his youth, as well as a key mindset of both Dharmapunx teachers and practitioners. Central to his teaching is an upholding of the Buddha’s “householder” teachings, intended to support everyday contentment, rather than the monastic goal of ultimate transcendence. You’ll learn how Josh balances both Buddhist and Western psychological traditions in his spiritual counseling and teaching, as well as a preview of his new book.
About the Interviewee
Josh Korda is the guiding teacher of Dharmapunx NYC and is a fully empowered Dharma teacher in the Against the Stream lineage. In addition to his weekly classes and meditation retreats for both institutions, he has led online and residential retreats for Tricycle and Lion’s Roar magazines. Josh is widely known for his podcast, which has over 1.4 million downloads, and has written numerous articles on insight meditation for Tricycle, Lion’s Roar, Buddhadharma and the Huffington Post. Josh can also be seen on Viceland TV Channel’s public-service announcements and his Dharma talks are broadcast weekly on WBAI radio. He lives in New York, New York.