Restricted Dzogchen Teachings, Part 2: Buddhahood Without Meditation
Receive detailed oral commentaries from renowned Tibetan Buddhist teacher Lama Alan Wallace on one of the five classic Dzogchen treatises by Düdjom Lingpa: Buddhahood Without Meditation.
This is a restricted course. Please see below for more information on how to join.
About this Course
Receive detailed oral commentaries from renowned Tibetan Buddhist teacher Lama Alan Wallace on one of the five classic Dzogchen treatises by Düdjom Lingpa: Buddhahood Without Meditation. This is one of the most well-known of his texts and it provides a medley of visionary teachings Düdjom Lingpa received from figures ranging from Longchenpa to Avalokiteshvara. Topics covered in this course include practices such as vipashyana—taught in greater depth and detail—and trekchö, cutting through to the original purity of pristine awareness.
These teachings are based on Lama Alan Wallace’s eight-week retreat in Italy at the Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa in April and May 2017. Wisdom Academy has created two courses from this retreat: Restricted Dzogchen Teachings, Part 1: The Foolish Dharma of an Idiot Clothed in Mud and Feathers and Restricted Dzogchen Teachings, Part 2: Buddhahood Without Meditation.
Part 1: The Foolish Dharma of an Idiot Clothed in Mud and Feathers is available now and is required before beginning Part 2.
Eligibility for the Course
This series of courses is restricted to students who have a solid foundation in the Dharma and a strong commitment to the Buddhist path. Lama Alan Wallace has chosen to limit access to these teachings on Dzogchen due to the possibility of students misunderstanding the subject without having the appropriate background. Students must have received a certificate of completion for the Wisdom Academy course Introduction to Dzogchen to take any of the Restricted Dzogchen Teachings.
How to Enroll
- Please note that the Introduction to Dzogchen and Restricted Dzogchen Teachings Part 1 are prerequisites for Part 2. By enrolling in Restricted Dzogchen Teachings Part 2, you confirm you have completed both of these courses.
- If you have already completed both these courses, you can click the red enroll button on the right side of this page.
Lesson 1: An Introduction to Buddhahood Without Meditation
In this lesson, Lama Alan Wallace introduces us to the text Buddhahood Without Meditation and dives in to exploring the identitylessness of persons.
In this lesson, Lama Alan Wallace introduces us to the text Buddhahood Without Meditation and dives in to exploring the identitylessness of persons.
Lesson 2: The Heart of the Path: Discerning Emptiness, and Approaching Great Compassion
In this lesson, Lama Alan Wallace offers commentary on the root text for the course Buddhahood Without Meditation, to explore foundational themes of emptiness, and great compassion.
In this lesson, Lama Alan Wallace offers commentary on the root text for the course Buddhahood Without Meditation, to explore foundational themes of emptiness, and great compassion.
Lesson 3: Appearances, the View, and the Four Greats in Dzogchen
In this lesson, Lama Alan Wallace continues his elucidation of the four greats, and offers commentary on the root text for the course, Buddhahood Without Meditation, to help us discern the role of appearances on the path.
In this lesson, Lama Alan Wallace continues his elucidation of the four greats, and offers commentary on the root text for the course, Buddhahood Without Meditation, to help us discern the role of appearances on the path.
Lesson 4: Realizing All Appearances as Space Itself
Lama Alan Wallace guides us through the teachings of Düdul Dorjé and Longchenpa, exploring the nature of appearances and the self.
Lama Alan Wallace guides us through the teachings of Düdul Dorjé and Longchenpa, exploring the nature of appearances and the self.
Lesson 5: The Pure Vision of Longchenpa
Lama Alan Wallace continues his commentary on the extraordinary pure vision teachings of Longchenpa and offers pith instructions from the Lake-Born Vajra on bringing the impure mind onto the path.
Lama Alan Wallace continues his commentary on the extraordinary pure vision teachings of Longchenpa and offers pith instructions from the Lake-Born Vajra on bringing the impure mind onto the path.
Lesson 6: Approaching the One Taste of Samsara and Nirvana
In this lesson, Lama Alan Wallace guides us through the visionary instructions of Saraha, Vajrapani, and Dorjé Drolö, from the root text. Here, we encounter the utter profundity of the view from Dzogchen, the one taste of samsara and nirvana. Lama Alan shares instruction and commentary on Lerab Lingpa’s, “settling the mind in it’s natural state,” as well as the pith instructions of the contemporary vidyadhara, Kyabje Yangthang Rinpoche.
In this lesson, Lama Alan Wallace guides us through the visionary instructions of Saraha, Vajrapani, and Dorjé Drolö, from the root text. Here, we encounter the utter profundity of the view from Dzogchen, the one taste of samsara and nirvana. Lama Alan shares instruction and commentary on Lerab Lingpa’s, “settling the mind in it’s natural state,” as well as the pith instructions of the contemporary vidyadhara, Kyabje Yangthang Rinpoche.
Lesson 7: Quantum Physics and Vajradhara’s Cosmogony
In this lesson, Lama Alan Wallace weaves together teachings on the 21st century’s understanding of the universe as understood by quantum physics, Tsongkhapa’s three criteria for establishing conventional existence, and Vajradhara’s awakened view of how the world comes into existence.
In this lesson, Lama Alan Wallace weaves together teachings on the 21st century’s understanding of the universe as understood by quantum physics, Tsongkhapa’s three criteria for establishing conventional existence, and Vajradhara’s awakened view of how the world comes into existence.
Lesson 8: From Macrocosm to Microcosm: The Root of Samsara, and the Nine Stages of Shamatha
In this lesson, Lama Alan Wallace guides us from the second stage of shamatha practice, through the fourth. Lama Alan continues his commentary on the root text to discuss the fundamental underpinnings of samsara from a Dzogchen perspective, and to guide us through the teachings offered by Vajradhara, Humchenkara, and Manjushri to Düdjom Lingpa. Throughout this lesson Lama Alan shares insights from Sera Khandro’s commentary on the root text to illuminate the discussion, which is included as a supplementary reading for reference.
In this lesson, Lama Alan Wallace guides us from the second stage of shamatha practice, through the fourth. Lama Alan continues his commentary on the root text to discuss the fundamental underpinnings of samsara from a Dzogchen perspective, and to guide us through the teachings offered by Vajradhara, Humchenkara, and Manjushri to Düdjom Lingpa. Throughout this lesson Lama Alan shares insights from Sera Khandro’s commentary on the root text to illuminate the discussion, which is included as a supplementary reading for reference.
Lesson 9: Approaching the Summit: Accomplishing the Nine Stages, the Vajra Vehicle, and the Clear Light of Death
In this lesson, Lama Alan Wallace guides us from the fourth through the ninth stage of shamatha practice, and follows the root text closely, offering commentary on the teachings of Manjushri, as well as those of the Lake Born Vajra and Ekajati, to Düdjom Lingpa. Here, we are presented with Düdjom Lingpa’s profound understanding of the rich and diverse elements of the Vajrayana and how practices explored throughout the course might serve us at the time of death.
In this lesson, Lama Alan Wallace guides us from the fourth through the ninth stage of shamatha practice, and follows the root text closely, offering commentary on the teachings of Manjushri, as well as those of the Lake Born Vajra and Ekajati, to Düdjom Lingpa. Here, we are presented with Düdjom Lingpa’s profound understanding of the rich and diverse elements of the Vajrayana and how practices explored throughout the course might serve us at the time of death.
Lesson 10: Fulfilling the Path to Freedom: Accomplishing Shamatha, the Three Yanas, and Amitabha’s Pure Land
In this final lesson of the course, Lama Alan Wallace guides us through the completion of the root text, the visionary instructions of Sri Simha and Zurchung Sherap Drakpa to Düdjom Lingpa. Lama Alan’s commentary covers the scope of the nine yanas, how secrecy is understood in Dzogchen, and how the aspiration to be reborn in Sukhavati can serve us at the time of death. In addition, Lama Alan offers pith instructions and insights that will help us integrate this rich and extensive commentary on the root text into practice.
In this final lesson of the course, Lama Alan Wallace guides us through the completion of the root text, the visionary instructions of Sri Simha and Zurchung Sherap Drakpa to Düdjom Lingpa. Lama Alan’s commentary covers the scope of the nine yanas, how secrecy is understood in Dzogchen, and how the aspiration to be reborn in Sukhavati can serve us at the time of death. In addition, Lama Alan offers pith instructions and insights that will help us integrate this rich and extensive commentary on the root text into practice.
About the Teacher