Buddhahood in This Life

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“I rejoice and praise Acarya Malcolm Smith’s direct translation from Tibetan into English of the Aural Lineage of Vimalamitra from the cycle of the Pellucid Transcendent State of the Great Perfection. Since it is certainly of great benefit to those faithful practitioners of Dharma around the world, I sincerely wish that once they have realized the secret of the mind in dependence on all of the book’s instruction, which appear through the intimate instructions of the guru, they will be able to accomplish liberation into the body of light in one lifetime.”—Tulku Dagpa Rinpoche


“An inspired translation of one of the classics of the Great Perfection, unveiling the extraordinary tradition of the 8th century pandit Vimalamitra. This book introduces the reader to the secret visionary instructions of Thogal practice, the core of Dzogchen itself. Extensively based on the corpus of the Seventeen Tantras, the text reveals the entire Path of the Great Perfection in a fluid and inspiring style which carefully follows the original.”—Jean-Luc Achard, author of The Six Lamps


The Great Commentary by Vimalamitra

Malcolm Smith

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Now available for the first time in English, Buddhahood in This Life presents the Great Commentary of Vimalamitra—one of the earliest and most influential texts in the Dzogchen tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. It explores the theory and practice of the Great Perfection tradition in detail, shows how Dzogchen meditation relates to the entirety of the Buddhist path, and outlines how we can understand buddhahood—and even achieve it in our lifetime.

This essential text includes topics such as:

  • How delusion arises
  • The pathway of pristine consciousness
  • How buddhahood is present in the body
  • and more.

Translator Malcolm Smith includes an overview, analysis and clarification for all topics. Buddhahood in This Life covers fine details of Dzogchen meditation, including profound “secret instructions” rarely discussed in most meditation manuals. This text is essential for any serious student of the Great Perfection.

book information
  • Hardcover
  • 248 pages, 6.25 x 9.25 inches
  • $29.95
  • ISBN 9781614293453
  • ebook
  • 248 pages
  • $17.99
  • ISBN 9781614293668
about the author
Buddhahood in This Life

Born in 1962, Malcolm Smith was raised in Western Massachusetts. Captivated by the sound of Tibetan ritual music in 1984, he began his study of the Dharma. He met his first formal teacher, H. H. Sakya Trizin, in 1989. He studied Buddhist philosophy and Tibetan language under the guidance of Khenpo Migmar Tseten for the next five years at Sakya Institute for Buddhist Studies in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In 1990 Malcolm travelled to Nepal to receive lamdré from the late H. H. Sakya Dagchen.

He received his first Dzogchen teachings from Chögyal Namkhai Norbu in 1992. In 1993 he met his second Dzogchen teacher, Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok, receiving important transmissions. During this year he entered a three-year solitary retreat. In 1998 he met H. H. Penor Rinpoche and received the complete empowerments of the mahayoga section of the Nyingma Kama as well as teachings on the Namchö preliminary practices. In 2001, he met his third Dzogchen teacher, the late Kunzang Dechen Lingpa, from whom he received the Nyinthig Yazhi in its entirety, as well as the formal Ngakpa empowerment in 2004. He met his fourth Dzogchen teacher, H. H. Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche, in 2001, from whom he received the entire transmission of the Gongpa Zangthal in 2010, as well other transmissions. He received the transmission of the Seventeen Tantras from Khenpo Tenzin Thinley in 2012 and again from Tulku Dakpa Rinpoche in 2022. Since 2018, he has been studying under Khenchen Namdrol Tsering of Namdrol Ling MonasteryIn addition, Malcolm has received Sakya, Kagyü, and Nyingma teaching cycles from many other lamas.

Malcolm Smith was awarded the title of acarya by Khenpo Migmar Tseten of Sakya Institute in 2004. In 2008 Malcolm was granted the title of lama by Lama Ngawang Tsultrim, abbot of Dhongag Tharling. In 2009 Malcolm graduated from Shang Shung Institute of America as a doctor of Tibetan medicine, completing an internship in Xining, in the Amdo province of northeast Tibet.

Since 1992 Malcolm Smith has worked on a wide variety of texts for Sakya, Drikung Kagyü, and Nyingma groups, as well as medical and astrological texts.

Other books by Malcolm Smith:
Yoga of the Natural State
The Tantra Without Syllables (vol 3) and The Blazing Lamp Tantra (vol 4)
The Self-Arisen Vidya Tantra (vol 1) and The Self-Liberated Vidya Tantra (vol 2)

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