Drinking the Mountain Stream

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“Offers the English-speaking reader a satisfying taste of Tibetan flavored Dharma.”—Tibetan Review


Songs of Tibet’s Beloved Saint, Milarepa

Milarepa Brian Cutillo

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Jetsun Milarepa, Tibet’s renowned and beloved saint, is known for his penetrating insights, wry sense of humor, and ability to render any lesson into spontaneous song. His songs and poems exhibit the bold, inspirational leader as he guided followers along the Buddhist path.

More than any other collection of his stories and songs, Drinking the Mountain Stream reveals Milarepa’s humor and wisdom. Faithfully translated by Lama Kunga Rinpoche and Brian Cutillo, this rare collection—never before available in any Western language—cuts across the centuries to bring Milarepa’s most inspiring verses, in all their potency, to today’s reader.

Read Milarepa’s biography at the Treasury of Lives.

book information
  • Paperback
  • 188 pages, 5.50 x 6.50 inches
  • $16.95
  • ISBN 9780861710638
  • ebook
  • 188 pages
  • $12.99
  • ISBN 9780861718375
about the author
Drinking the Mountain Stream

Jetsun Milarepa, Tibet’s renowned and beloved saint, is known for his penetrating insights, wry sense of humor, and ability to render any lesson into spontaneous song. His songs and poems exhibit the bold, inspirational leader as he guided followers along the Buddhist path.

Drinking the Mountain Stream

Brian Cutillo (1945–2006) was an American scholar and translator. He was also an accomplished neuro-cognitive scientist, musician, anthropologist and textile weaver. Cutillo was a student of Geshe Wangyal and other Tibetan teachers. He also collaborated with Lama Kunga Rinpoche on the translation of additional songs and stories of Milarepa published in the volume Miraculous Journey.

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