The Life and Teachings of Tsongkhapa


Robert Thurman

A must-read for students of Tibetan Buddhism, The Life and Teachings of Tsongkhapa provides a thorough exploration of the great teacher’s wisdom.

In The Life and Teachings of Tsongkhapa, you’ll discover Tsongkhapa’s teachings on:

  • transcendental aspects of sutra, tantra, and insight meditation,

  • mystic conversations with great bodhisattvas,

  • deeply spiritual songs in praise of Manjushri and Maitreya,

  • and much more.

The anthology concludes with a number of intensely moving songs in praise of Tsongkhapa and his immeasurable contribution to Tibetan Buddhism by such realized and remarkable Tibetan Buddhists as the Seventh Dalai Lama, the Eighth Karmapa, Dulnagpa Palden, and Khaydrup Je.

This edition has been substantially corrected by Robert Thurman and contains a new introduction and a bibliography of all the works referenced in the text.

book information
  • Paperback
  • 296 pages, 6.00 x 9.00 inches
  • $17.95
  • ISBN 9781614294276
  • ebook
  • 296 pages
  • $11.99
  • ISBN 9781614294399
about the author
The Life and Teachings of Tsongkhapa

Robert Thurman is an American Buddhist author and academic who has written, edited, and translated several books on Tibetan Buddhism. He was the Je Tsongkhapa Professor of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies at Columbia University, before retiring in June 2019. He held the first endowed chair in Buddhist Studies in the West. After education at Philips Exeter and Harvard, he studied Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism for almost thirty years as a personal student of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. He has written both scholarly and popular books, and has lectured widely all over the world. As President of the American Institute for Buddhist Studies, he convened the First Inner Science Conference with His Holiness the Dalai Lama at Amherst College in 1984. He is also a founding trustee of Tibet House New York.

Other books by Robert Thurman:
The Universal Vehicle Discourse Literature (Mahāyānasūtrālaṁkāra)
The Esoteric Community Tantra with The Illuminating Lamp
Brilliantly Illuminating Lamp of the Five Stages

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