Purification in Tibetan Buddhism

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The Practice of the Thirty-Five Confession Buddhas

Geshe Jampa Gyatso Joan Nicell

In Purification in Tibetan Buddhism, Geshe Jampa Gyatso explains The Bodhisattva’s Confession of Downfalls, a daily practice for purifying negativities. This essential practice helps us to clear negative thoughts and actions from our body, speech, and mind.

In his delightfully conversational manner, Geshe Jampa teaches us the details of the law of cause and effect, the powerful use of the four opponent powers, and the proper manner and movements of prostrating, and provides clear descriptions of each of the thirty-five confession buddhas.

Formerly published as Everlasting Rain of Nectar.

book information
  • Paperback
  • 160 pages, 6.00 x 9.00 inches
  • $16.95
  • ISBN 9781614293262
  • ebook
  • 160 pages
  • $11.99
  • ISBN 9781614293361
about the author
Purification in Tibetan Buddhism

Geshe Jampa Gyatso (1932-2007) was the resident teacher at Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa in Italy from 1980 until his death. He was holder of the Lharam Geshe degree from Sera Je Monastery, the Ngagram Geshe degree from Gyu Me Tantric College, and the Acharya degree from the Sanskrit University of Varanasi. 

Purification in Tibetan Buddhism

Joan Nicell took her Buddhist vows of ordination with His Holiness the Dalai Lama in 1989. For nearly twenty years she has worked as an editor and translator of Tibetan books. She edited Purification Practice in Tibetan Buddhism by Geshe Jampa Gyatso, edited and translated Seven-Point Mind Training: An Introduction by Gomo Tulku, and has translated several important Tibetan works used in the Master’s Program of Buddhist Studies at Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa in Pomaia, Italy, where she lived and worked as educational program coordinator. She presently lives and teaches at Kopan Monastery in Nepal while also working as coordinator of the FPMT foundational level programs.

Other books by Joan Nicell:
Seven Steps to Train Your Mind

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