August 2024 Member Newsletter

We’re excited to share what’s new to the Wisdom Experience this August and hope these resources continue to provide you with moments of inspiration, adventure, and awakening all month long.


Keep an eye on your email for our National Book Lovers Day Sale taking place August 7–9Enjoy 40% off any title released before August 1, 2023. That includes print and ebook titles such as Beyond Distraction, Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics series, Early Buddhist Oral Tradition, Courageous Compassion, and so much more! Recent releases, back-ordered books, and preorders are excluded from this offer. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to add some incredible teachings to your library!

Discover your next big insight with a
Wisdom Experience In-Depth membership

The In-Depth membership is a way for dedicated practitioners to spend a year in comprehensive study with beloved teachers and renowned masters. In-Depth members can enroll in four of the courses in the Wisdom Experience Course Catalog a year, for less than the price of two. In-Depth members also save 20% on all physical and ebooks they purchase through Wisdom, and as always, our non-profit mission means we’re committed to reinvesting every membership contribution into sharing the Dharma, supporting teachers, and expanding our library of exceptional Buddhist content. Dive deeply into profound wisdom, upgrade to an In-Depth Membership today. You’ll instantly unlock a world of wisdom, savings, and exclusive content. To learn more, click here.

As you read the rest of the newsletter, remember to keep an eye out for the membership level icon in the corner of each image. These mark what level of membership the content is available to. 

During the month of August, Emptiness and the film Tibet: A Buddhist Trilogy, Part 2 are available to Free members.


Guy Armstrong has been a leading figure and beloved teacher of insight meditation for decades. In Emptiness, he makes difficult Buddhist topics easy to understand, weaving together Theravada and Mahayana teachings on emptiness to show how we can liberate our minds, manifest compassion in our lives, and experience freedom as we live consciously in the world.


With extraordinary authenticity, Tibet: A Buddhist Trilogy, Part 2 journeys deep into the mystical inner world of monastic life. Set in the ancient village of Boudha, Nepal and the isolated mountain caves of the yogis, the film follows the lamas of the Phulwary Sakya Monastery through their contemplative retreats, the building of an intricate cosmogram, and the performance of an ancient protective ritual known as “A Beautiful Ornament.” Through the ritual invocation of the female deity Tara, the malevolent forces that might bring harm to the society are invited and magically transformed. With a subtitled commentary based on the teachings of the great 20th century master Dudjom Rinpoche, the essence of tantric Buddhism is powerfully revealed.


Don’t forget, you can invite your friends to sign up for a Free membership to join you.


Be sure to register for our upcoming Wisdom Dharma Chats episode this month!

We hope you will join us and our special guest Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche on Wednesday, August 28 at 12:00 PM EDT for a special episode of Wisdom Dharma Chats. Please note this is not the typical time of Wisdom Dharma Chats. Founder and spiritual director of Ligmincha International, Rinpoche is a respected and beloved teacher and meditation master in the Bön Buddhist tradition of Tibet. He has students in more than 25 countries, teaches around the world, and reaches thousands of students through his online programs. During this Wisdom Dharma Chat host Daniel Aitken and Rinpoche will discuss his Wisdom Academy course Dream Yoga, an advanced spiritual practice in which you can rediscover your dreams as potent vehicles for enhancing awareness in both dreaming and waking states.

To register to watch this Wisdom Dharma Chat live over Zoom, register here.


Did you miss the live recording with H. E. Khangser Rinpoche? Please enjoy this unedited recording of Wisdom Dharma Chats with special guest, H. E. Khangser Rinpoche. At the age of five, Rinpoche was recognized as the eighth reincarnation of Khangser Rinpoche. By 2005, he had earned both the Geshe Lharampa degree and a doctorate in tantra, both with the highest honors in the top division. Rinpoche is a great scholar who has achieved mastery in both the Gelug and Nyingma Buddhist traditions. In 2023, Rinpoche came in line to one day become the Gaden Tripa, the supreme head of the Gelug lineage, which is considered the largest school in Tibetan Buddhism. During this Wisdom Dharma Chat host Daniel Aitken and Rinpoche discuss the powerful practice of mind training, celebrate his new release A Monk’s Guide to Finding Joy, and much more.​​

You can learn more about Rinpoche and his life story from our Wisdom Podcast episode with him, Rebirth, Meditation, and the Path to Joy.


Discover all of the books in our Reading Room under the “Explore” menu on our website. Books in our Reading Room are available exclusively to Plus, All-Access, and In-Depth members.

Featured in the Reading Room

The World Of Tibetan Buddhism
by His Holiness The Dalai Lama

“A lucid and profound yet eminently readable introduction to this subject.”—Library Journal


The Four Noble Truths
Lama Zopa Rinpoche

“Lama Zopa Rinpoche is a true modern master of Tibetan Buddhism who has inspired thousands, including me. These fundamental teachings on the Four Noble Truths come from a wellspring of profound realizations and an equally vast commitment and capacity to help all beings” Richard Gere



Also in Your Reading Room
Exclusively for In-Depth, Plus, and All-Access members


New Releases & Back in Stock

The following books were released in July, are available to purchase early on our website, or are now back in stock:


This episode of the Wisdom Podcast, recorded live as a Wisdom Dharma Chat features special guest, Thupten Jinpa. Since 1985, Jinpa has been the principal translator to the Dalai Lama, accompanying him to the United States, Canada, and Europe. He is an accomplished author and translator. His Wisdom Publications credits include the Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics series, multiple titles in The Library of Tibetan Classics series, the Wisdom Academy courses Tsongkhapa’s MadhyamakaHow The Mind Works, and much more.

In this episode host Daniel Aitken and Jinpa discuss:

  • his upcoming Wisdom Academy course Mind Training and the related book;
  • the benefits of lojong and how he uses it in his daily life;
  • the power of mantra;
  • how to take a proactive stance with your emotions and self-awareness; and
  • much more!


In-Depth and All-Access members, don’t miss out on your opportunity to enjoy, Freedom Through Correct Knowing the newest addition to the Wisdom Experience course catalog. In this course, Geshe Tenzin Namdak explains these essential aspects of our minds and helps us to eliminate distorted perceptions, realize ultimate reality, and attain the paths to liberation and enlightenment. Exploring these ideas helps us to see the infinite potential of consciousness, and generates a deep conviction in the possibility of radical positive transformation. This course is based on the book Freedom through Correct Knowing: On Khedrup Je’s Interpretation of Dharmakirti’s Seven Treatises on Valid Cognition, translated and commentary by the Sera Jey Monastic University Translation Department, edited by Geshe Tenzin Namdak and Ven. Tenzin Legtsok.

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