Mark Van Buren: Your Life Is Meditation (#107)


This episode of the Wisdom Podcast features an interview with Mark Van Buren, a mindful living trainer, yoga and meditation instructor, personal trainer, and musician who has been promoting health and wellness for over a decade. He’s the author of A Fool’s Guide to Actual Happiness and Your Life IS Meditation. 

Mark discusses:

  • how it can sometimes feel like everyday life is in opposition to practice, and how we can transform our understanding of this seeming conflict;
  • the ways in which he applies mindfulness in daily life, including how driving to work can be like working on a koan;
  • how to turn interactions with difficult people into opportunities for practice;
  • what it means to experience a “profound okayness”;
  • and much more.

Correction: In this episode, Mark mentions 10,000 chants; he meant to say 100,000.

About the Interviewee

Mark Van Buren is a Mindful Living Trainer, yoga/meditation instructor, personal trainer, and musician, that has been promoting health and wellness for over a decade. He writes articles on meditation and yoga for My Yoga Online, Gaiam TV and Elephant Journal. He has run dozens of workshops and retreats all over the tri-state area, and has been asked to speak at numerous colleges including Columbia, Montclair State, and Bergen Community. A handful of yoga studios have already opened their doors to his message, allowing him to give talks and run guided meditations and retreats.  He has worked extensively with children and adults with autism and other special needs, and even released two solo albums, based on his inward journey through meditation, under the band name “Seeking the Seeker.” Van Buren holds a Bachelor of Arts in religious studies from Montclair State University and two Associate Degrees from Bergen Community College in exercise science and music. He is currently the owner and head instructor of Live Free Yoga Studio in River Edge, NJ.

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