Sangye Khandro: The Parinirvana of Venerable Dhomang Gyatrul Rinpoche (#173)


This episode of the Wisdom Podcast, recorded live as a Wisdom Dharma Chat, features special guest, Sangye Khandro. During this episode host Daniel Aitken and Sangye discuss Venerable Dhomang Gyatrul Rinpoche’s passing into parinirvana earlier this year, her root teacher, Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche, with whom she studied and practiced for many years, and her work as a translator.

Sangye and Daniel also discuss:

  • how Sangye met Venerable Dhomang Gyatrul Rinpoche;
  • Rinpoche’s visions of the Karmapa while he was sick;
  • Rinpoche’s extended tukdam;
  • Rinpoche’s sea burial;
  • and more!

Below are a series of links to various videos of Rinpoche’s sea burial.


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