How to Meditate

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“Jewels of wisdom and practical experience to inspire you.”—Richard Gere


A Practical Guide

Kathleen McDonald

What is meditation? Why practice it? Which techniques are best? How do I do it? The answers to these often-asked questions are contained in this down-to-earth book, making it of enormous value for anyone who wishes to begin and maintain a meditation practice. Written by a Western Buddhist nun with solid experience in both the practice and teaching of meditation, How to Meditate contains a wealth of practical advice on a variety of authentic techniques, from what to do with our minds, to how to sit, to visualizations and other traditional practices. Best of all, McDonald’s approach is warm and encouraging.

book information
  • Paperback
  • 288 pages, 6.00 x 9.00 inches
  • $16.95
  • ISBN 9780861713417
  • ebook
  • 288 pages
  • $12.99
  • ISBN 9780861719846
about the author
How to Meditate

Originally from California, Kathleen McDonald (Sangye Khadro) began studying Buddhism with Tibetan lamas in Dharamsala, India, in 1973. She became a nun in Nepal the following year, and received full (bhikshuni) ordination in 1988. At the request of her teachers, she began teaching in 1980, and since then has been teaching Buddhism and meditation in various countries around the world, occasionally taking time off for personal retreats. She served as resident teacher in Buddha House, Australia, for two years and in Amitabha Buddhist Centre in Singapore for eleven years. From 2008 to 2013 she followed the Masters Program at Lama Tsong Khapa Institute in Italy. Since then she served for seven years as a faculty member of the Human Spirit Psychoanalytic-Buddhist Training Program in Israel, and for a year and a half as the resident teacher at the Center for Wisdom and Compassion in Copenhagen, Denmark. She currently resides at Sravasti Abbey in Washington State, USA, and teaches online. She is the author of How to Meditate: A Practical Guide and Awakening the Kind Heart: How to Meditate on Compassion.

Other books by Kathleen McDonald:
How to Meditate on the Stages of the Path
Wholesome Fear
Awakening the Kind Heart

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