Manjushri’s Innermost Secret

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“I am delighted that Wisdom is publishing Manjushri’s Innermost Secret. The authentic translation of this important commentary will enhance and add to the in-depth understanding of the essential practice of Lama Chopa. The translator, the late David Losang Tsering, was a devoted practitioner of this lineage and his efforts will bring tremendous benefit to earnest seekers.”—Sharpa Tulku Tenzin Trinley

“What a wonderful gift it is for such an important text to be available in English. Any serious Vajrayana practitioner must study and learn this treasure of the Geluk tradition.”—Joshua W. C. Cutler, editor of The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment


A Profound Commentary of Oral Instructions on the Practice of Lama Chöpa

Kachen Yeshe Gyaltsen David Gonsalez

Highly informative and deeply moving, Manjushri’s Innermost Secret contains the entire path to enlightenment that was transmitted in direct communication with Lama Tsongkhapa by the wisdom-buddha Manjushri. This invaluable commentary provides an authoritative illumination of the Lama Chöpa ritual text for practitioners and is widely revered and commented upon in its own right.

Designed for those who have received the highest yoga tantra empowerment, these texts swiftly guide the spiritual practitioner to the state of complete enlightenment through the full spectrum of teachings on the lamrim and mind training (lojong). It also covers the generation and completion stages of highest yoga tantra, all of which are grounded in deep, heartfelt faith and devotion for one’s spiritual guide.

In addition to the Lama Chöpa ritual text itself, this book also includes the First Panchen Lama’s root text on Ganden Mahamudra, the supplication verses to the lineage gurus, and the Fifty Verses of Guru Devotion composed by the Indian saint Ashvagosha.

The Dechen Ling Practice Series from Wisdom Publications is committed to furthering the vision of David Gonsalez (Venerable Losang Tsering) and the Dechen Ling Press of bringing the sacred literature of Tibet to the West by making available many never-before-translated texts.

book information
  • Hardcover
  • 504 pages, 6 x 9 inches
  • $59.95
  • ISBN 9781614295631
  • ebook
  • 504 pages
  • $44.99
  • ISBN 9781614296287
about the author
Manjushri’s Innermost Secret

Kachen Yeshe Gyaltsen (1713–93) was the tutor of the Eighth Dalai Lama and the founder of Tsechok Ling Monastery in Lhasa.

Manjushri’s Innermost Secret

David Gonsalez was the translator of numerous sadhanas and texts and served for many years as the personal translator and attendant for Gen Lobsang Chophel. He was the president of Dechen Ling, a nonprofit organization that works with the Tibetan community in exile to establish their monasteries and traditions.

Other books by David Gonsalez:
The Blazing Inner Fire of Bliss and Emptiness
The Secret Revelations of Chittamani Tara
The Source of Supreme Bliss
The Roar of Thunder
The Chakrasamvara Root Tantra
The Extremely Secret Dakini of Naropa
The Essence of the Vast and Profound

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