Mixing Minds

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“Vividly and beautifully written.”—Neil Altman


The Power of Relationship in Psychoanalysis and Buddhism

Pilar Jennings

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“We cannot find ourselves, or be ourselves, alone.”—from Mixing Minds

Mixing Minds explores the interpersonal relationships between psychoanalysts and their patients, and Buddhist teachers and their students. Through the author’s own personal journey in both traditions, she sheds light on how these contrasting approaches to wellness affect our most intimate relationships. These dynamic relationships provide us with keen insight into the emotional ups and downs of our lives—from fear and anxiety to love, compassion, and equanimity. Mixing Minds delves into the most intimate of relationships and shows us how these relationships are the key to the realization of our true selves.

book information
  • Paperback
  • 288 pages, 6.00 x 9.00 inches
  • $18.95
  • ISBN 9780861716166
  • ebook
  • 288 pages
  • $13.99
  • ISBN 9780861716135
about the author
Mixing Minds

Pilar Jennings is a psychotherapist and psychoanalyst who has focused on the clinical applications of Buddhist meditation practice. She received her doctorate in psychiatry and religion from Union Theological Seminary where she teaches and has been working with patients and their families through the Harlem Family Institute since 2004.

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