Niguma’s Dream Yoga

An Online Course with H. E. Kalu Rinpoche

The Wisdom Academy is pleased to share that in 2025 we will be launching our second course with His Eminence the 2nd Kalu Rinpoche.

This course will build on the illusory body and mind teachings of his first course while also moving into teachings and guided practices for dream yoga and more. This course presents another powerful opportunity to receive deeply authentic and inspiring teachings from a remarkable teacher.

More extensive information about the course will be made available at a later date.

Enrollment is currently closed. Stay tuned!

Your Course Includes

HD Video Teachings

Guided Meditations

Curated Readings

A Discussion Forum

Ongoing Access for Enrolled Students

Meet Your Teacher

Kalu Rinpoche dream yoga

His Eminence the 2nd Kalu Rinpoche was born on September 17, 1990 in Darjeeling, India. His father, Lama Gyaltsen, was a nephew of the previous Kalu Rinpoche and had also been his secretary since his youth. The 2nd Kalu Rinpoche was recognized on March 25, 1992 by Tai Situ Rinpoche. His Holiness the Dalai Lama has officially confirmed the recognition.

On February 28, 1993, he was inducted into Samdrub Darjay Chöling (Sonada). His father passed away in 1999 and he asked to live in the monastery of Bokar Rinpoche in order to grow and study under his direction. In 2004, he began the traditional three-year retreat, which he completed in 2008. In 2009, he received from Tai Situ Rinpoche all the transmissions of the Shangpa Lineage. On this occasion, he undertook to confer 108 times the cycle of initiations of the lineage from which he is now holder.

In 2010, Kalu Rinpoche traveled to the West and took charge of the meditation centers created by the first Kalu Rinpoche around the world. In 2014, he returned to Palden Shangpa La Boulaye in France to teach and to resume the tradition of Monlam Shangpa initiated by his predecessor. He has done the same in the United States in 2019.

Each year, Kalu Rinpoche gives initiations and teachings around the world.

Buddhist studies online courses

About the Wisdom Academy

The Wisdom Academy is the leading provider of high-quality online courses about Buddhism and meditation.

The Wisdom Academy was founded in 2016. Since then, we’ve grown to be the leader in online Buddhist learning, with over 50 courses and thousands of students enrolled.

In the Academy, dedicated students come together with beloved teachers to learn authentic philosophy and practices for awakening.

Our courses offer teachings on Dzogchen, shamatha, mahamudra, vipassana, mindfulness, jhana, and much more. The clear, progressive structure of the courses will support you in learning about the profound philosophy and practices of the Dharma. You’ll discover the vivid and immediate ways that the teachings can create more ease, joy, and freedom in your daily life. Click here to learn more and explore our course catalog.


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