Being Nobody, Going Nowhere

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Winner of the Christmas Humphreys Award for Best Introductory Buddhist Book


Meditations on the Buddhist Path

Ayya Khema

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In this lucid classic, beloved teacher Ayya Khema introduces the reader to the essence of the Buddhist path. She addresses the how and why of meditation, providing a clear framework for understanding the nature of karma and rebirth and the entirety of the eightfold path. With specific, practical advice Ayya Khema illuminates the practices of compassion and sympathetic joy and offers forthright guidance in working with the hindrances that we all encounter in meditation. Few introductory books are both simple and profound. Being Nobody, Going Nowhere is both.

book information
  • Paperback
  • 192 pages, 6.00 x 9.00 inches
  • $20.95
  • ISBN 9780861711987
  • ebook
  • 192 pages
  • $12.99
  • ISBN 9780861719723
about the author
Being Nobody, Going Nowhere

Born in Berlin in 1923 to Jewish parents, Ayya Khema was educated in Scotland and China and later emigrated to the United States. The author of twenty-five books, she was ordained as a nun in Sri Lanka in 1979 and established several Buddhist centers, including Wat Buddha Dhamma in Australia, Parapuddua Nun’s Island in Sri Lanka, and Buddha Haus in Germany. In 1987 she coordinated the first-ever International Conference of Buddhist Nuns. She passed away in 1997.

Other books by Ayya Khema:
Be an Island
Who Is My Self?
Know Where You’re Going

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