The Buddha’s Apprentices

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“Remarkable first-hand accounts that resonate with eagerness and curiosity.”—Mandala


More Voices of Young Buddhists

Sumi Loundon Kim Sharon Salzberg

Sumi Loundon’s Blue Jean Buddha was hailed by the New York Times Review of Books as “a bellwether anthology”—mapping the spiritual trails followed by a generation of American Buddhist youths. The Buddha’s Apprentices examines that territory in fuller detail, telling twenty-six more stories of this powerful spiritual path, including the stories of many teenagers. The book shows us the common challenges that spiritually hungry young adults of today might face, with a focus on the identity issues around personality, profession, and lifestyle. Also included are several affirming essays from prominent older Buddhists, recalling their first encounters with Buddhism. The Buddha’s Apprentices inspires, examining the tectonic shifts that young, spiritually-inclined people undergo as they leave home, search for partners, consider commitment and marriage, and build their lives. Furthermore, they tell of how Buddhism changes and enhances their abilities to face life’s difficulties.

Sumi Loundon’s rich and youthful commentary lets us appreciate each contributor’s individual voice, and helps us to see how they contribute to the always-evolving chorus of modern Buddhism.

The Buddha’s Apprentices can be considered a sequel to Sumi Loundon’s Blue Jean Buddha, but goes beyond that work by giving extra attention to teens and young adults and including pieces from Thich Nhat Hanh, Lama Surya Das, and a truly diverse array of younger author/contributors.

book information
  • Paperback
  • 240 pages, 6.00 x 9.00 inches
  • $16.95
  • ISBN 9780861713325
  • ebook
  • 240 pages
  • $11.99
  • ISBN 9780861718047
about the author
The Buddha’s Apprentices

Rev. Sumi Loundon Kim is the Buddhist chaplain at Yale University and founder of the Mindful Families of Durham. She has published two anthologies, Blue Jean Buddha: Voices of Young Buddhists and The Buddha’s Apprentices: More Voices of Young Buddhists. Following a master’s degree from the Harvard Divinity School, she served as the associate director at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies and as the Buddhist chaplain at Duke University. She lives in southern Connecticut with her husband and two children.

Other books by Sumi Loundon Kim:
Blue Jean Buddha
Sitting Together
Sitting Together Activity Book

The Buddha’s Apprentices

Sharon Salzberg, a co-founder of the Insight Meditation Society, has practiced Buddhist meditation since 1971 and has been teaching worldwide since 1974. She is the author of Faith: Trusting Your Own Deepest Experience, Lovingkindness, and A Heart As Wide As The World. She lives in New York City.
Foreword author for The Buddha’s Apprentices.

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