The Clouds Should Know Me by Now

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“Here is a breathtaking millennium of Buddhist poet-monks.”—Inquiring Mind


Buddhist Poet Monks of China

Mike O’Connor Red Pine Andrew Schelling

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This unique collection presents the verse, much of it translated for the first time, of fourteen eminent Chinese Buddhist poet monks. Featuring the original Chinese as well as english translations and historical introductions by Burton Watson, J.P. Seaton, Paul Hansen, James Sanford, and the editors, this book provides an appreciation and understanding of this elegant and traditional expression of spirituality.

“So take a walk with…these cranky, melancholy, lonely, mischievous poet-ancestors. Their songs are stout as a pilgrim’s stave or a pair of good shoes, and were meant to be taken on the great journey.”—Andrew Schelling, from his Introduction

book information
  • Paperback
  • 224 pages, 6.00 x 9.00 inches
  • $16.95
  • ISBN 9780861711437
  • ebook
  • 224 pages
  • $11.99
  • ISBN 9780861719532
about the author
The Clouds Should Know Me by Now

Mike O’Connor is a poet and translator. He has published three volumes of his own poetry in addition to translating two volumes of the work of Buddhist poet Chia Tao. He lives in Port Townsend, Washington.

Other books by Mike O’Connor:
When I Find You Again, It Will Be in Mountains
Where the World Does Not Follow

The Clouds Should Know Me by Now

Red Pine (Bill Porter) won the 1996 PEN West Award for Guide to Capturing a Plum Blossom, and is a well-known translator of classical Chinese philosophy and poetry, including translations of the Platform Sutra, the Diamond Sutra, and the Lankavatara Sutra. He has lived in Taiwan and Hong Kong and traveled extensively in China. He lives in Port Townsend, Washington.

The Clouds Should Know Me by Now

Andrew Schelling is a poet, essayist, and translator of the poetry of India. He has taught at Naropa University for twenty years and from 1993–96 served as chair of the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics founded by Alan Ginsburg and Anne Waldman. His publications include Tea Shack Interior and The Wisdom Anthology of North American Buddhist Poetry. He lives in Boulder, Colorado.

Other books by Andrew Schelling:
The Wisdom Anthology of North American Buddhist Poetry

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