Creation and Completion

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“Creation and completion meditation is the cornerstone of tantric Buddhist practice, and draws upon a rich array of techniques and presumptions relating to moral culitvation. This book will be of great interest to both scholars and practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism.”—Janet Gyatso, Hershey Chair of Buddhist Studies, Harvard University


Essential Points of Tantric Meditation, with a Commentary by Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche

Jamgön Kongtrül Sarah Harding Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche

Creation and Completion represents some of the most profound teachings of Jamgön Kongtrul (1813-99), one of the true spiritual and literary giants of Tibetan history. Though brief, it offers a lifetime of advice for all who wish to engage in-and deepen-the practice of tantric Buddhist meditation.

The original text, beautifully translated and introduced by Sarah Harding, is further brought to life by an in-depth commentary by the contemporary master Thrangu Rinpoche. Key Tibetan Buddhist fundamentals are quickly made clear, so that the reader may confidently enter into tantra’s oft-misunderstood “creation” and “completion” stages.

In the creation stage, practitioners visualize themselves in the form of buddhas and other enlightened beings in order to break down their ordinary concepts of themselves and the world around them. This meditation practice prepares the mind for engaging in the completion stage, where one has a direct encounter with the ultimate nature of mind and reality.

book information
  • Paperback
  • 176 pages, 6.00 x 9.00 inches
  • $24.95
  • ISBN 9780861713127
  • ebook
  • 176 pages
  • $19.99
  • ISBN 9780861718207
about the author
Creation and Completion

Jamgön Kongtrül Lodrö Thaye, (1813–99) was the leading figure in the nineteenth-century rimé (nonsectarian) revival of Tibetan Buddhism. One of the most prolific and accomplished teachers and writers in Tibetan history, his works continue to guide and inspire students and practitioners alike.

Creation and Completion

Sarah Harding has been studying and practicing Buddhism since 1974, and has been teaching and translating since completing a three-year retreat in 1980 under the guidance of Kyabjé Kalu Rinpoché. She was associate professor at Naropa University for twenty-five years in Boulder, Colorado, where she currently resides, and has been a fellow of the Tsadra Foundation since 2000. She specializes in literature with a focus on tantric practice. Her publications include Creation and CompletionThe Treasury of Knowledge: Esoteric Instructions; Niguma, Lady of Illusion; two volumes on Chö and Shijé from The Treasury of Precious InstructionsFour Tibetan Lineages: Core Teachings of Pacification, Severance, Shangpa Kagyü, and Bodong; and Ornament of Dakpo Kagyü Thought: Short Commentary on the Mahāmudrā Aspiration Prayer.

Other books by Sarah Harding:
Ornament of Dakpo Kagyü Thought
Four Tibetan Lineages

Creation and Completion

Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche is a senior scholar within the Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism and the author of many books and commentaries. He was born in Kham, Tibet, in 1933 and entered Thrangu Monastery at age seven. He serves as the main tutor to His Holiness the Seventeenth Karmapa and travels worldwide giving teachings and leading retreats. Based in Nepal and India, he is also abbot of Gampo Abbey in Nova Scotia and founder of Vajra Vidya Retreat Center in Crestone, Colorado.

Other books by Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche:
A Song for the King
Essentials of Mahamudra

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