The Extraordinary Life of His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama

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“An extraordinary book about the extraordinary life of His Holiness the Dalai Lama that celebrates in the vibrancy of color, the energy and power of nonviolence and compassion. A touching read.”—His Eminence Ling Rinpoché

“His Holiness has made the world a better place for he has inspired many of us to reach for the stars and this book is an accurate description of that inspiring life.”—Archbishop Desmond Tutu

“And what an extraordinary life it has been. Inspiring, authentic, moving, and generous. Like hearing the life story of a dear friend around a warm fire. We are transported.”—Richard Gere

“Rima has brought to life His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s story in a beautiful picture book accessible to readers of all ages. I am sure it will bring joy and inspiration to many.”—Tenzin Taklha, nephew and secretary to His Holiness the Dalai Lama

The Extraordinary Life of His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama is a beautifully illustrated book detailing the life of the Dalai Lama. With tales from his youth, through his life in exile, all the way to the present day, hearing his journey in his own words is a special treat. The accompanying art is wonderfully matched to each chapter and full of color and detail. A book for all ages.”—Sharon Salzberg, author of Lovingkindness and Real Change

“Rima Fujita’s The Extraordinary Life of His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama is a lovely take on His Holiness’ remarkable life, filled with Rima’s lush and sweet pictures that touch on key moments of His Holiness’ life. Each picture connects to the heart-touching words of His Holiness himself, very frankly remembering amazing events of his 85-year-long hero’s journey. It is simply marvelous, giving in a concise space a very moving taste of the amazing life of an extraordinary human being. Moving for adults, delightful to children, this vision of the Dalai Lama’s time on earth with us all up to now is a treasure that everyone will love.”—Padma Shri Dr. Robert A.F. Thurman, Buddhology Professor Emeritus, author, Co-Founder of Tibet House US

“I love the simplicity of this book. It’s a rare opportunity to discover the stories and wishes of His Holiness in his own words. Rima’s art is sublime—filled with compassion and loving-kindness inspired by the legacy of the great master who describes himself as a simple monk and a simple human being.”—Chef Eric Ripert, author of Vegetable Simple


An Illuminated Journey

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Rima Fujita

One of the most revered spiritual figures of our time—His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama—tells the story of his life in this intimate, timeless, and approachable book. Featuring luminous illustrations from world-renowned artist Rima Fujita and some never-before-shared details, it’s the perfect way to explore the life of the Dalai Lama. This simple yet powerful text combined with stunning artwork will captivate readers of all ages—and will take you on a mystical journey you won’t soon forget.

Also available in Tibetan.

book information
  • Hardcover
  • 52 pages, 6.5 x 7.5 inches
  • $19.95
  • ISBN 9781614297499
  • ebook
  • 52 pages
  • $11.99
  • ISBN 9781614297642
about the author
The Extraordinary Life of His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama

Tenzin Gyatso, the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, is the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people. He frequently describes himself as a simple Buddhist monk. Born in northeastern Tibet in 1935, he was as a toddler recognized as the incarnation of the Thirteenth Dalai Lama and brought to Tibet’s capital, Lhasa. In 1950, Mao Zedong’s Communist forces made their first incursions into eastern Tibet, shortly after which the young Dalai Lama assumed the political leadership of his country. He passed his scholastic examinations with honors at the Great Prayer Festival in Lhasa in 1959, the same year Chinese forces occupied the city, forcing His Holiness to escape to India. There he set up the Tibetan government-in-exile in Dharamsala, working to secure the welfare of the more than 100,000 Tibetan exiles and prevent the destruction of Tibetan culture. In his capacity as a spiritual and political leader, he has traveled to more than sixty-two countries on six continents and met with presidents, popes, and leading scientists to foster dialogue and create a better world. In recognition of his tireless work for the nonviolent liberation of Tibet, the Dalai Lama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989. In 2012, he relinquished political authority in his exile government and turned it over to democratically elected representatives.
His Holiness frequently states that his life is guided by three major commitments: the promotion of basic human values or secular ethics in the interest of human happiness, the fostering of interreligious harmony, and securing the welfare of the Tibetan people, focusing on the survival of their identity, culture, and religion. As a superior scholar trained in the classical texts of the Nalanda tradition of Indian Buddhism, he is able to distill the central tenets of Buddhist philosophy in clear and inspiring language, his gift for pedagogy imbued with his infectious joy. Connecting scientists with Buddhist scholars, he helps unite contemplative and modern modes of investigation, bringing ancient tools and insights to bear on the acute problems facing the contemporary world. His efforts to foster dialogue among leaders of the world’s faiths envision a future where people of different beliefs can share the planet in harmony. Wisdom Publications is proud to be the premier publisher of the Dalai Lama’s more serious and in-depth works.

Photo of His Holiness provided by Olivier Adam.

Other books by His Holiness the Dalai Lama:
The Fourteenth Dalai Lama’s Stages of the Path, Volume 2
Appearing and Empty
Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics, Vol. 4
Realizing the Profound View
Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics, Vol. 3
The Extraordinary Life of His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama – Tibetan Edition
The Fourteenth Dalai Lama’s Stages of the Path, Volume 1
Searching for the Self
Courageous Compassion
Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics, Vol. 2
In Praise of Great Compassion
Mastering Meditation
Following in the Buddha’s Footsteps
The Essence of Tsongkhapa’s Teachings
The Compassionate Life
The Life of My Teacher
The Life of My Teacher (Paperback)
Ecology, Ethics, and Interdependence
Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature
The Foundation of Buddhist Practice
Approaching the Buddhist Path
Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics, Vol. 1
Kalachakra Tantra
The World of Tibetan Buddhism
Sleeping, Dreaming, and Dying
Practicing Wisdom
Meditation on the Nature of Mind
The Good Heart

The Extraordinary Life of His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama

Rima Fujita is a renowned artist who exhibits her work internationally and has published seven children’s books, including Save the Himalayas. Rima is a founder of Books for Children, an organization that creates children’s books in Tibetan and English, and has donated more than 12,000 book copies to the Tibetan refugee children in exile in order to help them preserve the unique Tibetan culture and language.

Other books by Rima Fujita:
The Extraordinary Life of His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama – Tibetan Edition
The Day the Buddha Woke Up

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