Four Tibetan Lineages


Core Teachings of Pacification, Severance, Shangpa Kagyü, and Bodong

Sarah Harding

The newest translation from master translator Sarah Harding.

Drawing primarily from the Pacification, Severance, Shangpa Kagyü, and Bodongpa traditions, Four Tibetan Lineages presents some of Tibet’s most transformative yet lesser-known teachings on meditative practice. Most works in this volume are drawn from a Tibetan anthology known as the Treasury of Precious Instructions compiled by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thayé (1813–1900). A vast preservation project, this anthology reflects Kongtrul’s attempt to rescue rare teachings from disappearing. By foregrounding the teachings of masters like Khedrup Khyungpo Naljor (d. 1135), Dampa Sangyé (d. 1117), Machik Labdrön (1031/55–1126/50), Jonang Tāranātha (1575–1634), and Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo (1820–92), this volume extends Jamgön Kongtrul’s preservation efforts into the modern world.

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book information
  • Hardcover
  • 688 pages, 6 x 9 inches
  • $79.95
  • ISBN 9780861714476
  • ebook
  • 688 pages
  • $54.99
  • ISBN 9781614297321
about the author
Four Tibetan Lineages

Sarah Harding has been studying and practicing Buddhism since 1974, and has been teaching and translating since completing a three-year retreat in 1980 under the guidance of Kyabjé Kalu Rinpoché. She was associate professor at Naropa University for twenty-five years in Boulder, Colorado, where she currently resides, and has been a fellow of the Tsadra Foundation since 2000. She specializes in literature with a focus on tantric practice. Her publications include Creation and CompletionThe Treasury of Knowledge: Esoteric Instructions; Niguma, Lady of Illusion; two volumes on Chö and Shijé from The Treasury of Precious InstructionsFour Tibetan Lineages: Core Teachings of Pacification, Severance, Shangpa Kagyü, and Bodong; and Ornament of Dakpo Kagyü Thought: Short Commentary on the Mahāmudrā Aspiration Prayer.

Other books by Sarah Harding:
Ornament of Dakpo Kagyü Thought
Creation and Completion

× Dream Yoga


× Buddhist Philosophy in Depth, Part 1



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