Ordinary Mind

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“Exciting and hope-inspiring work. The very reading of this book is in itself therapeutic.”—James S. Grotstein, author of Who Is The Dreamer Who Dreams the Dream?


Exploring the Common Ground of Zen and Psychoanalysis

Barry Magid

Is meditation an escape from—or a solution to—our psychological problems? Is the use of antidepressants counter to spiritual practice? Does a psychological approach to meditation reduce spirituality to “self-help”? What can Zen and psychoanalysis teach us about the problems of the mind and suffering?

Psychiatrist and Zen teacher Barry Magid is uniquely qualified to answer questions like these. Written in an engaging and witty style, Ordinary Mind helps us understand challenging ideas—like Zen Buddhism’s concepts of oneness, emptiness, and enlightenment—and how they make sense, not only within psychoanalytic conceptions of mind, but in the realities of our lives and relationships.

This new paper edition of Magid’s much-praised book contains additional case study vignettes.

book information
  • Paperback
  • 224 pages, 6.00 x 9.00 inches
  • $17.95
  • ISBN 9780861714957
  • ebook
  • 224 pages
  • $11.99
  • ISBN 9780861717408
about the author
Ordinary Mind

Barry Magid is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst practicing in New York City, and the founding teacher of the Ordinary Mind Zendo, also in New York. He is the author of the Wisdom titles Ordinary Mind, Ending the Pursuit of Happiness, and Nothing Is Hidden.

Other books by Barry Magid:
What’s Wrong with Mindfulness (And What Isn’t)
Ending the Pursuit of Happiness
Nothing Is Hidden

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