The Death of You

image description

“With a cheerful balance of reverence and irreverence, this book is a joy to read—and Miguel is such a good teacher.” —Cyndi Lee, author of Yoga Body, Buddha Mind


A Book for Anyone Who Might Not Live Forever

Miguel Chen

If you might someday die, 

 if you know someone who will . . .


Join Miguel Chen for a wild ride where we get real about death—and even have a few laughs at its expense. In plainspoken, kind, and encouraging language, Miguel will show you how to transform your relationship with death—and in doing so, get to know your life in a whole new way. Today is the perfect day to start. Don’t wait . . . you’re not gonna live forever.

book information
  • ebook
  • 168 pages
  • $11.99
  • ISBN 9781614295983
  • print
  • 168 pages, 5 x 8 inches
  • $17.95
  • ISBN 9781614295747
about the author
The Death of You

Miguel Chen is the bass player for long-running punk rock band Teenage Bottlerocket. He is a meditation practitioner, a yoga instructor, and the owner of Blossom Yoga Studio in Laramie and Cheyenne, Wyoming. In addition to appearing in countless Teenage Bottlerocket press pieces, Miguel has been featured by Lion’s Roar, PunkNews, Full Contact Enlightenment,, Modern Vinyl, Chris Grosso’s MindPod podcast, and more. He lives in Laramie, Wyoming.

Other books by Miguel Chen:
I Wanna Be Well

× Buddhism - eBook


× Like a Waking Dream - Print


× Like A Dream, Like a Fantasy - Print



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