Tibetan Yoga, Parts 1 & 2
An Online Course Series with Dr. Alejandro Chaoul

Tibetan Yoga, Part 1
Learn the essential practices of Trul khor, or “magical movements,” the physical postures and movements of Tibetan yoga. Develop a foundation in your subtle body as you discover how to engage your breath and physical body to serve the practice of meditation.

Tibetan Yoga, Part 2
Part 2 activates what you have learned in Part 1 as you learn and explore the magical movements of the Aural Transmission of Zhang Zhung at a more profound level. Learn the tradition’s important breathing practices and unlock the power of the pervasive breath.
For over a thousand years, Tibetan yoga has been used in Tibetan Buddhist spiritual training primarily to enhance meditation by clearing away mental and physical obstacles like anger or drowsiness.
Now, in this pair of remarkable online courses, you can discover the practice for yourself, allowing you to abide more in your central channel and dispel primordial ignorance.
There’s a special and powerful healing that takes place when we unite our body, breath, and mind. Many people have discovered yoga as a path toward this vital alignment.
But while some forms of yoga have been popularized for physical health and well-being, the ancient practices of Tibetan yoga have often remained secretive.
In these groundbreaking Wisdom Academy courses, Dr. Alejandro Chaoul will introduce you to Tibetan yoga, guiding you through a series of yogic postures and movements with exceptional detail and expertise.
This is a truly precious opportunity for you to discover an inexhaustible source of wellness and freedom within your own body, breath, and mind.
Click the button below to enroll today or scroll down to learn more.
Part 1 is fully available and part 2 launched July 12, 2024.
Only interested in part 2? Click here.
Enroll with code TY1260 to save 60% on part 1. Here’s how:
1. Click the button below. Part 2 will be added to your cart.
2. Apply the code TY1260. Part 1 will be added with a 60% discount applied.
3. Complete checkout.
Course Bundle Full Tuition: $544 USD
Course Bundle Special Tuition: $396
After enrolling, check your email for welcome emails with instructions on how to take the courses. When you enroll in any Wisdom Academy course, you agree to our terms of use. Enrolled students have lifetime access to course materials. Wisdom is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Your tuition supports the creation of more courses like this one. Thank you! For more about our terms, please see the Wisdom Academy FAQ.
These courses are for everyone.
If you’ve been practicing Tibetan yoga for years, if you’re new to the practice, or if you just want to deepen your personal yoga and meditation practices, these courses will help enhance your personal practice and connect to the natural state of your mind.
In part 1, you’ll learn the essential practices of Trul khor from the A-Tri tradition, the physical postures and movements of Tibetan yoga, including the foundation of the subtle body. You’ll learn magical movements for each of the five chakras and the five elements, and you’ll discover how Trul khor relates to the profound view and practice of Dzogchen.
Part 2 activates what you have learned in part 1, guiding you through the magical movements of the Aural Transmission of Zhang Zhung. This course includes the important breathing practice: the power of the pervasive breath.
These two traditions—the A-Tri and the Zhang Zhung—are two of the most important Dzogchen lineages in the Bön tradition. These two courses provide you with a wonderful practice of embodiment that promotes physical, energetic, and mental well-being, opening the door to your inner transformation or inner “magic.”
Start learning today with Dr. Chaoul and bring lasting wellness into your daily life.
Enroll with code TY1260 to save 60% on part 1. Here’s how:
1. Click the button below. Part 2 will be added to your cart.
2. Apply the code TY1260. Part 1 will be added with a 60% discount applied.
3. Complete checkout.
Course Bundle Full Tuition: $544 USD
Course Bundle Special Tuition: $396
After enrolling, check your email for welcome emails with instructions on how to take the courses. When you enroll in any Wisdom Academy course, you agree to our terms of use. Enrolled students have lifetime access to course materials. Wisdom is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Your tuition supports the creation of more courses like this one. Thank you! For more about our terms, please see the Wisdom Academy FAQ.

Part 1 Lesson Plan
Part 1 features practices from a-tri, a lineage of the Dzogchen teachings from the Tibetan Bön tradition, points to the nature of mind as spacious and open, luminous and aware, and the source of all positive qualities.
Lesson 1: An Introduction to Tibetan Yoga in the Bon Tradition
Lesson 2: The Nine Breathings of Purification
Lesson 3: The A-tri Ngondro Magical Movement
Lesson 4: The A-tri Extending the Bow to Shoot and Arrow Magical Movement
Lesson 5: The A-tri Bending the Neck Magical Movement
Lesson 6: The A-tri Throwing the Lasso Magical Movement
Lesson 7: The A-tri Extending the Four Limbs Skyward Magical Movement
Lesson 8: The A-tri Little Boy Jumping Strongly Magical Movement
Lesson 9: The Ngondro of the Zhang Zhung Nyan Gyud
Lesson 10: Integrating the Magical Movements into your Daily Practice

Part 2 Lesson Plan
Tibetan Yoga part 2 takes your Tibetan yoga journey deeper as it guides you through exercises involving the pervasive breath to help you in your meditation practice and in daily life.
Lesson 1: Replete with Blessings: The Lineage of Magical Movement
Lesson 2: Unlocking Your Altruistic potential: The External Tsa lung Practice
Lesson 3: Practicing the Essence: The Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyu Ngondro Movements
Lesson 4: Fruits of Labor: Appreciating the Benefits of Trul Khor
Lesson 5: Dispelling Hindrances Individually: The Distinctive Movements of the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyu
Lesson 6: Dexterity of Movement: The Standing Practice of Trulkhor
Lesson 7: Releasing the Pressure Valve: Yangton Chenpo’s Bouncing Jewel Technique
Lesson 8: Off the Cushion: Recalling Trul Khor in Daily Life
Sometimes, the hardest part of practice is applying what we’ve learned in everyday life.
We know we want to cultivate greater compassion and clarity. We can spend hours studying teachings and practicing on the cushion. But often, real life seems to move so quickly and unpredictably that it’s challenging to actually apply what we’ve been studying and practicing.
This is one of the most powerful gifts of Tibetan yoga. You’ll learn a simple 3-step practice that can help you better apply what you’ve been studying and practicing:
1) Clear obstacles.
2) Enhance the meditative state of mind.
3) Stay there.
These are invaluable practices that can be helpful in almost any situation, giving you more space and more choice in how you respond.
Additionally, it’s said that practicing these exercises strongly nourishes one’s receptivity to moments of non-conceptual awareness and spontaneous self-liberation, which can then be taken into everyday life.
Enroll with code TY1260 to save 60% on part 1. Here’s how:
1. Click the button below. Part 2 will be added to your cart.
2. Apply the code TY1260. Part 1 will be added with a 60% discount applied.
3. Complete checkout.
Course Bundle Full Tuition: $544 USD
Course Bundle Special Tuition: $396
After enrolling, check your email for welcome emails with instructions on how to take the courses. When you enroll in any Wisdom Academy course, you agree to our terms of use. Enrolled students have lifetime access to course materials. Wisdom is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Your tuition supports the creation of more courses like this one. Thank you! For more about our terms, please see the Wisdom Academy FAQ.
While the exact history of the Tibetan tradition of magical movement has yet to be written, contemporary religious leaders and scholars date it back to at least the 8th century CE.
One thousand years later, His Holiness the Dalai Lama was giving the 1990 Losar teachings at Namgyal Monastery in Dharamsala, and Dr. Ale Chaoul was in the audience. This is where he first heard teachings on the Six Yogas of Naropa, introducing him to a Tibetan style of yoga.
Over the next three decades, Dr. Chaoul gained an intimate knowledge of Tibetan yoga through his consistent practice, training under many Bön lamas at Triten Norbutse and at India’s Menri Monastery and making Tibetan yoga the topic of his PhD dissertation.
Thanks to the kindness and blessings of contemporary masters, along with Dr. Chaoul’s dedication, these precious and rare teachings are being made available to a modern audience in a format that is both accessible and practical.
Part 1 is fully available and part 2 launched July 12, 2024.
Enroll with code TY1260 to save 60% on part 1. Here’s how:
1. Click the button below. Part 2 will be added to your cart.
2. Apply the code TY1260. Part 1 will be added with a 60% discount applied.
3. Complete checkout.
Course Bundle Full Tuition: $544 USD
Course Bundle Special Tuition: $396
After enrolling, check your email for welcome emails with instructions on how to take the courses. When you enroll in any Wisdom Academy course, you agree to our terms of use. Enrolled students have lifetime access to course materials. Wisdom is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Your tuition supports the creation of more courses like this one. Thank you! For more about our terms, please see the Wisdom Academy FAQ.
The practices in this course were collected in Dr. Chaoul’s book Tibetan Yoga, which came out in 2021 and since has become a popular and beloved resource on the topic.
Part 1 is fully available now. Below is the current course schedule for part 2. Lessons are released weekly on Fridays at 9 AM EST. You can complete each lesson at your own pace.
• Friday, July 12, 2024: Lesson 1 released
• July 19: Lesson 2
• July 26: Lesson 3
• August 2: Lesson 4
• August 6: Live demo/Q&A at 6 PM EST
• August 9: Lesson 5
• August 16: Lesson 6
• August 23: Lesson 7
• August 30: Lesson 8

Each Course Includes
8+ hours of HD video teachings
Guided practices
50+ pages of reading
Discussion forum
Lifetime access
Enroll with code TY1260 to save 60% on part 1. Here’s how:
1. Click the button below. Part 2 will be added to your cart.
2. Apply the code TY1260. Part 1 will be added with a 60% discount applied.
3. Complete checkout.
Course Bundle Full Tuition: $544 USD
Course Bundle Special Tuition: $396
After enrolling, check your email for welcome emails with instructions on how to take the courses. When you enroll in any Wisdom Academy course, you agree to our terms of use. Enrolled students have lifetime access to course materials. Wisdom is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Your tuition supports the creation of more courses like this one. Thank you! For more about our terms, please see the Wisdom Academy FAQ.
Dr. Alejandro Chaoul (Ale) is the founding director of The Jung Center’s Mind Body Spirit Institute (MBSI). He holds a doctoral degree in religious studies from Rice University, with his dissertation focusing on applications of Tibetan mind-body practices in contemporary medical settings. He is an adjunct faculty at the Integrative Medicine Program at MD Anderson Cancer Center, where, since 1999, he has used mind-body techniques to facilitate healing in cancer patients and their families to reduce stress and promote work-life balance among support staff.
He is also an adjunct faculty member at The McGovern Center for Humanities and Ethics, where he teaches medical students in the areas of spirituality, complementary and integrative medicine, and end of life care. Since 1995, he has been teaching Tibetan meditation and Tibetan yogic practices under the auspices of the Ligmincha Institute in various parts of the U.S.A., Latin America, and Europe.
His research and publications focus on mind-body practices in integrative care, examining how these practices can reduce chronic
stress, anxiety, and sleep disorders, and improve quality of life.
He is the author of Chod Practice in the Bon Tradition (Snow Lion, 2009), Tibetan Yoga for Health and Wellbeing (Hay House, 2018), and Tibetan Yoga: Magical Movements of Body, Breath and Mind (Wisdom Publications, 2021).
He has also published in the areas of religion and medicine, medical anthropology, and the interface of spirituality and healing. Dr. Chaoul is an advisor for The Rothko Chapel and has been recognized as a Fellow at the Mind & Life Institute.
Photo of Ale at lake: Volker Graf
The Wisdom Academy is the leading provider of high-quality online courses about Buddhism and meditation.
The Wisdom Academy was founded in 2016. Since then, we’ve grown to be the leader in online Buddhist learning, with over 45 courses and thousands of students enrolled.
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