Available Truth

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“Bhikkhu Nyanasobhano writes with a beautiful lyricism of the joys and consummate beauty of the natural world, and not a word is wasted from this master of the pen.”—The Beacon


Excursions into Buddhist Wisdom and the Natural World

Bhikkhu Nyanasobhano

With his books Landscapes of Wonder and Longing for Certainty, the American monk Bhikkhu Nyanasobhano led readers down literary trails, providing enlightening glimpses of the natural world.

In Available Truth, he guides us further along the path. His unqualified embrace of the Buddha’s worldview—in intelligent and deeply thoughtful prose—distinguishes his work from many other Western Buddhist books. Along with reflections on mindfulness, impermanence, and the end of suffering, Bhikkhu Nyanasobhano is not afraid to delve into the topics of rebirth, karma, nonvirtue, and the roles of reasoned faith, ritual, and monasticism, revealing their continuing relevance for today’s seeker. His patient awareness of the workings of the mind and the natural world will enable readers to deepen both their practice and their lives.

Available Truth will surely stand the test of time as both sound teaching and elegant writing.

book information
  • Paperback
  • 192 pages, 6.00 x 9.00 inches
  • $16.95
  • ISBN 9780861715190
  • ebook
  • 192 pages
  • $12.99
  • ISBN 9780861719143
about the author
Available Truth

Bhikkhu Nyanasobhano was an actor and playwright before being ordained in Thailand in 1987. He now lives in the United States.

Other books by Bhikkhu Nyanasobhano:
Longing for Certainty
Landscapes of Wonder

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