This is a restricted text
The material in this book is restricted. This book may be read only by those who have received a complete initiation into any highest yoga tantra practice. In order to practice this material, it would be best if you have received a full initiation into either Guhyasamaja, Yamantaka, or Chakrasamvara.

The Blazing Inner Fire of Bliss and Emptiness


An Experiential Commentary on the Practice of the Six Yogas of Naropa

David Gonsalez

The Blazing Inner Fire of Bliss and Emptiness presents lucid translations of a pair of detailed commentaries by the famed Tibetan tantric master Ngulchu Dharmabhadra (1772–1851), illuminating a set of extremely secret and restricted tantric practices of highest yoga tantra.

The first of these commentaries details the practices of the Six Yogas of Naropa, one of the most celebrated and revered systems of completion-stage practice in Tibet. Dharmabhadra presents the Six Yogas by elaborating upon Lama Tsongkhapa ’s (1357–1419) masterpiece on the subject entitled Endowed with the Three Inspirations, which served as the basis for nearly all subsequent commentaries on the Six Yogas within the Gelug tradition. Ngulchu Dharmabhadra’s commentary is unique in that it presents the Six Yogas within the context of Vajrayogini practice, making this book a perfect companion piece to The Extremely Secret Dakini of Naropa (Wisdom Publications, 2020).

Also contained in this book is Ngulchu Dharmabhadra’s lucid and concise commentary on the First Panchen Lama’s (1570–1662) famous Supplication for Liberation from [Fear of] the Perilous Journey of the Intermediate State. The prayer—a beautiful literary contribution from the First Panchen Lama in its own right—invokes the immediacy of death and the potential to use the process of dying as an opportunity for liberation. The prayer extols the efficacy of the “nine mixings” of the completion stage as direct means of transforming our ordinary death process by using advanced yogas presented in the first commentary on the Six Yogas.

Together, these works present the reader with a vast and profound vision of spiritual transformation—one in which every aspect of human experience can be used as an opportunity for transcendence and spiritual liberation.

The Dechen Ling Practice Series from Wisdom Publications is committed to furthering the vision of David Gonsalez (Venerable Losang Tsering) and the Dechen Ling Press of bringing the sacred literature of Tibet to the West by making available many never-before-translated texts.

book information
  • Hardcover
  • 192 pages, 6 x 9 inches
  • $39.95
  • ISBN 9781614295440
  • ebook
  • 192 pages
  • $26.99
  • ISBN 9781614295624
about the author
The Blazing Inner Fire of Bliss and Emptiness

David Gonsalez was the translator of numerous sadhanas and texts and served for many years as the personal translator and attendant for Gen Lobsang Chophel. He was the president of Dechen Ling, a nonprofit organization that works with the Tibetan community in exile to establish their monasteries and traditions.

Other books by David Gonsalez:
The Secret Revelations of Chittamani Tara
The Source of Supreme Bliss
The Roar of Thunder
The Chakrasamvara Root Tantra
The Extremely Secret Dakini of Naropa
The Essence of the Vast and Profound
Manjushri’s Innermost Secret

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